
Welcome to the Maidencreek Township Authority


The Maidencreek Township Authority will be increasing the water and sewer quarterly service rates by five percent (5 %) effective January 1, 2025.  The rate increase will be incorporated in the bills being mailed to our customers at the end of January 2025. The average customer consuming 12,000 gallons per quarter will see an increase of $8.10 in their combined water and sewer quarterly billing.   The higher cost of goods and services requires us to raise our rates to keep up with the cost of inflation.  In addition, the Maidencreek Township Authority experienced severe flood damage during the July 9, 2023 flood event in excess of $1,000,000.  Customers should anticipate another five percent (5 %) rate increase in 2026.  We request our customer’s understanding while we continue to adjust our rates to reflect the financial obstacles we encountered over the last two years.   

In 1950 the Blandon community recognized the need for a public water supply.  All of the homes in Blandon had private wells and many of these wells had become contaminated as a result of failing septic systems.  And in 1951, the Maidencreek Township Water Authority was established.  The newly created water authority went about purchasing 140 acres on top of Irish Mountain.  An impoundment was built along with a well house.   Six-inch cast iron pipes were installed to provide a distribution system to service the Blandon residents.  Much of this six-inch cast iron pipe is still in use today.  The original system met the needs of the Blandon Community until the 1990’s.  In 1992, giardia cysts were found in the source water feeding the open impoundment.  The Water Authority went about developing new sources of groundwater.  Today, the water system has two above ground water storage tanks totaling 800,000 gallons along with 3 groundwater wells.  The current system is capable of providing 3.0 million gallons per day of potable drinking water to our customers. Our water system also provides fire protection.    The Maidencreek Township Authority has developed two additional wells located on the old Phillip’s Farm located on 20 acres adjacent to the Maidencreek Church bordering Route 73.   Once completed, the wells will provide an additional 2.0 million gallons per day.  The new wells are anticipated to go on line in late 2023.

In the late 1970’s, the Maidencreek Township Authority was founded to address the failing septic systems. In 1980 the community built a new sewage collection system and a sewage treatment plant.  The plant is located on Willow Creek Road in Ontelaunee Township.    The original treatment plant was upgraded in 2002.  Today, the treatment plant capacity is rated at 800,000 gallons per day.  There are a total of 39 miles of sewer and water lines throughout the Maidencreek Township community.    

The Maidencreek Township Authority serves approximately 3,000 sewer and water customers. The Water and Sewer Authorities were merged into one operating authority on January 19, 1990. 

The Maidencreek Township Authority remains well positioned to provide safe, reliable and cost-effective water and sewer services to our customers.